When operating your vehicle, you want to follow the laws as closely as possible. And with there being specific regulations about the condition of a car and what is considered safe on the road, it is essential to have the proper knowledge about Minnesota’s laws on auto glass, since windshield chips and cracks are so common.
If your vehicle has sustained damage and needs auto glass replacement services, knowing what the specific glass laws are can make all the difference between getting a citation and avoiding one, so keep reading for more information!
Situations occur daily that can affect your windshield as you drive. Whether it involves rocks or hail, they can both cause harm to the glass. In most situations that involve a small chip, it is possible to have the damage corrected with a small repair before it’s noticeable enough to get you a ticket.
However, if you are dealing with more extensive damage or any type of damage that interferes with your view of the road, you run a high risk of getting a citation. Minnesota law states that no one can “drive or operate any motor vehicle with a windshield cracked or discolored.”
This law emphasizes ensuring that the driver’s vision is not obstructed while they are operating the vehicle. And this also means that there will be a need to have an automatic replacement of the windshield in this situation, or there is the possibility of receiving a fine for not complying with the law.
When it comes to getting a repair completed, the Minnesota laws give you the right to go to any vendor that you choose to utilize. This means that if you have insurance, you will need to contact the company and start a claim for glass coverage with the business.
You will also need to choose a professional auto glass company to do the work, and you cannot drive the car legally if the windshield is obstructing your vision while operating it.
The cost of replacing the windshield might be quite expensive depending on the vehicle you have, so we recommend checking with your insurance company to see if you have full glass coverage on your policy. Full coverage can help cover the overall costs, and, in some cases, you may avoid having to pay a deductible, which can save you money at the time of the auto glass repair or replacement.
Understanding the laws is a crucial part of being a responsible driver, and when you need glass services, you want the best company on the market to do the job. Zenith Auto Glass is a local provider specializing in all aspects of vehicle glass services, ranging from ADAS recalibration to heavy equipment glass replacement.
We work hard to provide all our clients with exceptional service that you can count on, so send us a message today or give us a call at 218-275-5555 to schedule an appointment.